Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why Home Based Business Success Isn’t Like The Lottery

SuccessImage by aloshbennett via Flickr

It’s a common opinion that starting a home based business is a huge gamble. Maybe it will work out or maybe it won’t. However, in this article we’re going to be talking about a few of the reasons why that’s not true. Creating success in a home based business is not like playing the lottery. You can guarantee success for yourself by following these easy tips.

Tip number one is set a realistic but exciting goal. This means a goal that isn’t so far out there that it would be impossible to attain. Like a million dollars in your first year. However, you still want the goal to be big enough for it to motivate you to work hard and make it happen. So if you ultimate goal is to make an extra thousand dollars a month that might not be big enough. Only you will truly know the right goal for you because you know what motivates you best.

Once you have a goal in mind you’re going to need a mentor. Someone who can teach you the in’s and out’s of your specific business. Many times this is going to be the person who brought you into the business. However, sometimes that person won’t want to help you as much as they should or you just don’t find their advice helpful enough. Whoever it is you need to find someone who can help guide your success. If all else fails you can even buy an ebook online or something that will give you the info you need.

Next you’re going to need to invest some serious time. A month is not long enough to see any real kind of success so don’t give up just because it seems to be going slow. Success in a home based business tends to start off slower and then build up. Before you know it it will be like an avalanche! That is of course if you work consistently and continue to grow and learn.

Finally, the last tip on how to guarantee your success working from home is believe in yourself. That might seem silly or like something that’s not going to make a difference but trust me it makes all the difference in the world. When you believe in yourself others will want to believe in you. Never sell yourself short. You can live a life of greatness. Go out and claim it!

Jikly Batista

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1 comment:

Eric Tean said...


The fact is that an online home based business is just like any other startup home based business, or any type of small business for that matter. An online home based business takes effort and work, especially in the beginning. So if you’re thinking about starting an online home based business, be prepared to work and to work hard.