Sunday, August 2, 2009

How To Get More Out Of Your PLR Articles

LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 25: In this photo illu...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

PLR or private label rights articles are a great tool to use to build your home based business. If you don’t know what they are PLR articles are simply articles that someone else has written that you can use as your own. It saves you time and if you’re not a good writer it can save you a whole lot of stress. There are multiple sources online that sell home based business PLR articles at an affordable price and when used correctly they will pay off big time! Here are a few tips that will help you get the absolute most out of PLR articles.

1. Use Keywords!

This is the number one tip I can give you. If you’re not using keywords in your PLR articles you’re totally missing the boat. PLR articles are written more multiple people so they can’t come with your specific keywords. To get the most out of them make sure you’re adding your personal keywords to each and every article. The keywords of course have to make sense but use as many as you can. This will help you get into search engines and have more people find your articles organically.

2. Submit Them Slowly!

Submit one or two articles at a time. Once those articles has been approved submit a couple more. If you are receiving a certain amount every month you don’t have to submit them ALL the moment you get them. When you add them slower it’s better.

3. Have A Good Resource Box!

Articles do you no good if you don’t add a good resource box at the bottom. And you would be amazed at how many articles I see without a resource box. Are people just suppose to guess what your website is? Make sure you add an effective resource box to each and every article.

4. Use Them On Blogs And In Videos!

When people hear the word article they think the only place they can be used are on article directories. Not true. If you have a blog PLR articles make a great blog post. You can also record them as marketing videos or use them on your Myspace or Facebook.

5. Change Them Up!

You should be changing at the very least the first sentence of every paragraph. This ensures that your articles are unique and when you submit them to different websites they won’t be rejected as often.

6. Buy Good Ones!

Let me put it simply. There are good PLR articles and bad PLR articles. And the good ones are worth paying for. The bad ones are just flat out a waste of time and money. Don’t spend a fortune, but pay for good articles!

7. Bookmark Them!

Once your articles are live on a website go back and socially bookmark them on places like Digg and Stumble Upon. This will help more people see your articles and that ultimately drives more traffic to your website!

By using these tips you’ll get more bang for your buck with all your PLR articles. Good luck and have a great and profitable year!

Jikly Batista

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