Saturday, August 21, 2010

Are You A Network Marketing Fault Finder?

If you’re in a network marketing company you know they type of people I’m talking about… fault finders. These people might think they’re doing some good but all they’re really doing is holding themselves and sometimes others back.

So how do you know if you’re a network marketing fault finder? Why just check out this article of course. If you’ve done at least 3 out of the 5 things I’m about to list… watch out… you might be a fault finder!

If you… don’t like the most successful people in your company.

Look, you don’t have to love all the top earners in your company. However, if you don’t like most of them chances are it’s not them it’s you! People who aren’t successful like to find the faults of those who are when what you should really be doing is following their steps to success.

Who cares if they wore something tacky to convention or they don’t know which (their, there, they’re) to use. If they’re having success they must be doing something right! Just focus on that.

If you’re… always wanting to improve your products.

It doesn’t just have to be the products by the way, it could be the websites, the comp plan or whatever. The point is if you’re constantly wanting to improve things before you get started you’ll probably never get started.

No company is perfect so if that’s what you’re waiting for you might as well get out now. People have made hundreds of thousands of dollars and even millions in MLM with some of the stupidest products imaginable. So really… it just doesn’t matter.

If you’re… always emailing your upline with suggestions.

We’re sure your upline loves you, we’re also sure that they don’t want to get 30 emails a week from you. This is especially true if you’re emails are all ideas about how the company, the team or they could improve.

Look, your upline probably can’t change things anyway and honestly… it’s just gonna bring them down. So don’t do it!

If you… listen to stories of failure.

It’s true that for every 10 success stories in MLM there are about 100 stories of people who tried and failed. Don’t listen to them!

We’re sorry your cousins, best friends, aunt lost some money 15 years ago but listening to that kind of negativity doesn’t do anybody any good.

If you… focus on the details.

When it comes to success in MLM the details are not important. So stop focusing on them! Many, many successful 6 figure earners couldn’t tell you what they make on their 7th level. So why are you worried about it?

If you see yourself in any of these 5 examples you might just be a network marketing fault finder. But despair not! You can always turn away from your fault finding ways and trust me when you do you’re going to see a whole lot more success!

Stop finding the fault in your business and start making money in it! Isn’t that why you’re there in the first place?

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