Sunday, September 20, 2009

3 Free Websites You MUST HAVE In Order To Work From Home!

Image representing EzineArticles as depicted i...Image via CrunchBase

Contrary to what some MLMers would have you believe you don’t have to spend an arm and a let to make money online. In fact you can do a ton of marketing online for free. Free Wordpress and Blogger blogs can be very effective as well as video sites like Youtube. Then there are forums, article directories, and social networking sites.

All of these websites are free and can be of unlimited value to the internet marketer. Here is our list of the top three free websites you must have if you’re going to run a successful business from home!

1. A Youtube Channel

Video marketing is dynamic and important for any internet marketer. It’s important to not just create and upload videos but put some time and effort into the design and text of your channel.

Also, get involved. Commenting on other people’s videos is a great start. Subscribing to other channels is awesome and of course accepting any and all friend requests is important. It’s all about networking! Also make sure that the videos you upload all well done and don’t look sloppy or thrown together because they are connected to your business!

2. A Twitter Page

This was really a toss up between Twitter and Facebook. But we gave it up to Twitter because how easy it is to use! Simply get people to follow you and you have a really fun and easy way to get short broadcast messages out there to people. It’s simply a great tool for any marketer.

3. A EzineArticles Account

In the world of online article marketing simply can’t be touched! They are the big daddy of online article directories. What makes Ezine so special is that they don’t just accept any old article. It has to be original, well written and can’t just be blatant promotion.

Because of this if you have a well established EzineArticles account that gives you a huge advantage.

These free websites are in our opinion the best but there are lots of great ones out there. Don’t stop here… take advantage of everything the internet has to offer!

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