Sunday, August 2, 2009

Parents Just Don’t Understand

Will SmithWill Smith via

In 1989 Dj Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince (now mega movie star Will Smith) won a Grammy for their song “Parents just don’t understand” and while their song had absolutely nothing to do with a home based business it got me thinking, sometimes parents just don’t understand.

If you’ve been involved in any kind of home based business before you know the feeling of coming home from your first meeting and being SO EXCITED! You can’t wait to tell all of your family and friends about your new venture and you just know you’re going to make a ton of money with it.

However, all of that excitement and enthusiasm is usually short lived because it doesn’t take long for your parents to tell you it’s a scam and it’s not going to work.

It’s really not your parents fault. They come from a different generation. A different kind of America if you will. In this America all it took was hard work and a regular job to give your family the American dream. A nice house in the suburbs, benefits and a yearly vacation or two.

The problem with that version of the American dream however is simply that that’s not the America we’re living in anymore. A regular blue collar job won’t get you the house or the benefits that it would have provided your father. And even if you’ve gone to school gotten a degree and now work in a cushy office setting you still may not get all the perks that former generations may have gotten. What’s worst of all is that in America today no job is ever really safe. You can be living the American dream today and a real life nightmare tomorrow.

Because of all these changes in the way the American worker is treated it just makes good sense that people are looking for secondary streams of income. Just in case their full time job isn’t all it’s cracked up to be or if God forbid it should be here today gone tomorrow.

There has never been a better time to start a home based business, especially if you have a spouse or children to support.

So the next time your dad gives you grief about your home based business don’t take it personally. It’s not that they don’t want you to do well. It’s simply that “parents just don’t understand.”

Jikly Batista

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